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Terms of Sales



Application of the general conditions of sale



The purpose of these general conditions of sale is to define the rights and obligations between Mimi-Montessori and the consumer, applying without restriction or reservation to all sales of products appearing on the website. The fact of validating an order implies to any person the full and whole acceptance of the present general conditions of sale. Each consumer also acknowledges having full legal capacity in order to be able to commit to it.


1-Identity of the company


Mimi Montessori

Head office address: 13 rue du Prefet Chaleil 93600 Aulnay sous bois

Manager: Forest Myriam



Telephone: 06-22-72-60-12 - Siren: 947575767





The prices are expressed in Euros all taxes included, excluding shipping costs. Mimi-Montessori  reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, depending on economic or regulatory conditions, but We undertake to apply the prices in force which will have been indicated to You at the time of your ordered.


The price indicated in the order confirmation is the final price with shipping costs, expressed inclusive of all taxes.


All orders are invoiced in Euros and payable. For any delivery outside Metropolitan France, any customs fees or local taxes remain the responsibility of the recipient.



3-Product Information


Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented on the


The manager or its suppliers are nevertheless not responsible for the consequences, incidents, special damages resulting from electronic transmissions or the accuracy of the information transmitted even if the manager was aware of the possibility of such damages.


The photographs illustrating the products do not enter into the contractual field. If errors are introduced, in no case, the responsibility of Mimi-Montessori can not be engaged.


The majority of the products offered to its customers by Mimi-Montessori are available, stock shortages are indicated and it is not possible to reserve a product out of stock directly on the site, it is necessary to contact the Mimi-Montessori company for this. Montessori by email or by phone to request it, no deposit will be requested.





Payment of the full price is due immediately on the date of the order. At no time can the sums paid be considered as a deposit or down payment. The collection of the full amount of the order will be made by Mimi-Montessori at the time of shipment of the order. All orders are payable in euros. To pay for his order, the buyer has the means of payment referred to in the order form: credit card (credit card, Visa, Mastercard) via Paypal. The buyer guarantees to Mimi-Montessori that he has the necessary authorizations to use the method of payment he has chosen, when registering the order form. Mimi-Montessori reserves the right to suspend or cancel any order and delivery, whatever their nature and level of execution, in the event of non-payment of any sum due by the buyer, or in the event of payment incident. Penalties of an amount equal to the legal interest rate plus five points are automatically applicable to amounts unpaid at the end of a period of ten days following the invoice date or upon notification of the rejection of bank payment for any other means of payment.




Products purchased on Mimi-Montessori can only be delivered to the geographical areas we serve. The times indicated are usual average times and correspond to processing and delivery times. The products are delivered to the address indicated by the customer during the ordering process. Mimi-Montessori cannot be held responsible for the consequences due to a delay in delivery. In case of delay an email is sent to the customer.


In the event of payment by credit card, the periods indicated above run from the day of registration of the payment and correspond to the processing and delivery times.


In the event of payment by check or bank transfer, the order is only processed upon receipt of the check or bank transfer. Consequently, the deadlines applicable in this case are those on the day of receipt of payment and can therefore be modified in relation to those mentioned on the day of placing the order.



6-Delivery problem


All products leave our premises in perfect condition. The customer must report to the carrier (or the postman) the slightest trace of shock (holes, traces of crushing, etc.) on the package, and if necessary refuse the package. A new identical product will then be sent to you free of charge.


The exchange of any product declared, a posteriori, damaged during transport, without any reservation having been issued upon receipt of the package, cannot be supported.


As in any expedition, it is possible to suffer a delay or that the product gets lost. In such a case, we contract the carrier to start an investigation. Every effort is made, as long as necessary, to find this package. If necessary, the trader will be reimbursed by the carrier and will deliver a new identical package at his expense.


We decline all responsibility for the extension of delivery times due to the carrier, in particular in the event of loss of products, bad weather or strikes. Any anomaly concerning the delivery (damage, missing product compared to the delivery note, damaged package, broken products, etc. must be indicated on the delivery slip in the form of a “handwritten reserve”, accompanied by the customer's signature.


At the same time, the consumer must confirm this anomaly by sending the carrier within two working days of the delivery date a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt setting out the said complaints.


The consumer must send a copy of this letter to the following address: Forest Myriam 13 rue du Prefet Chaleil 93600 Aulnay sous-bois. Without this fact, we do not proceed to any trade.



7-Delivery errors


The consumer must formulate with the manager, on the same day of delivery or at the latest on the first working day following delivery, any complaint of error of delivery and/or non-conformity of the products in kind or in quality with respect to the instructions on the order form.


Beyond this period, any complaint will be rejected. The formulation of this complaint with the person in charge can be made at the following email address:


Any complaint not made in the rules defined above and within the time limits cannot be taken into account and will release Mimi-Montessori from any liability towards the consumer.


In the event of a delivery or exchange error, any product to be exchanged or refunded must be returned to the manager within 7 working days, as a whole and in its original packaging in impeccable condition, to the following address: 206 allée of Montfermeil 93220 Gagny.


To be accepted, any return must be reported and have the prior agreement of the manager, who, if agreed, will redirect the package to the correct address.


The shipping costs are the responsibility of Oumma boutique, except in the case where it turns out that the product does not correspond to the original declaration made by the consumer in the right direction of return.


8-Satisfied or refunded


The right of withdrawal only applies to natural persons.


In accordance with articles L. 120-20, the consumer has a period of 14 calendar days to return, at his expense, the products that do not suit him. This period runs from the day of receipt of the consumer's order. Any return may be reported in advance to Mimi-Montessori customer service by email. The product must be returned to the following address:


Mrs. Forest Myriam 13 rue du Prefet Chaleil. 93600 Aulnay undergrowth.


Only products returned as a whole will be taken back, in their complete and intact original packaging, and in perfect condition for resale. Any product that has been damaged, or whose original packaging has been damaged, will not be refunded, taken back or exchanged. This right of withdrawal is exercised without penalty, with the exception of shipping and return costs. In the event of the exercise of the right of withdrawal, the consumer has the choice to request either the reimbursement of the sums paid, or the exchange of the product. In the case of an exchange, the reshipment will be at the expense of the consumer.


In the event of exercise of the right of withdrawal, Mimi-Montessori will make every effort to reimburse the consumer within fifteen days.





The information collected by the Mimi-Montessori online shopping store during any order from the buyer is necessary for the management of his order. In accordance with the Data Protection Act n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the buyer has a right of access, rectification, opposition and deletion of data concerning him from Mimi-Montessori



10-Protection of personal data


All the data that you entrust to us is in order to be able to process your orders. Under Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, you have the right to rectify, consult, modify and delete data that you provide to us. have communicated. This right can also be exercised online.



11-Applicable law


These conditions of sale are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute or complaint, the consumer will first contact the Mimi-Montessori company to obtain an amicable solution. In case of disagreement between the consumer and Mimi-Montessori only the court of Angers is competent.





Any order placed through the sitewww.mimi-montessori.frimplies the customer's acceptance, without any restriction, of the general conditions of sale of the manager.


This contract is subject to French law.


Mimi-Montessori cannot be held liable for damages of any kind, whether material, immaterial or bodily, which could result from a malfunction or misuse of the products marketed.


The same applies to any modifications to the products resulting from the manufacturers.


The responsibility of Mimi-Montessori will, in any event, be limited to the amount of the order and cannot be blamed for simple errors or omissions which may have remained despite all the precautions taken in the presentation of the products.


In the event of difficulties in the application of this contract, the buyer has the possibility, before any legal action, to seek an amicable solution, in particular with the help of: a professional association in the branch, an association of consumers or any other counsel of his choice.


It is recalled that the search for an amicable solution does not interrupt the "brief period" of the legal guarantee, nor the duration of the contractual guarantee.


It is recalled that as a general rule and subject to the judgment of the Courts, compliance with the provisions of this contract relating to the contractual guarantee assumes that the buyer honors his financial commitments to the seller. Complaints or disputes will always be received with attentive benevolence, good faith being always presumed in those who take the trouble to explain their situations. In the event of a dispute, the customer will first contact the company to obtain an amicable solution.



Contact us

Mimi Montessori

13 rue du Prefet Chaleil. 93600 Aulnay undergrowth, France.



Copyright © 2022 Mimi Montessori. All rights reserved.

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